i am so excited that strawberry picking season is early this year. i just took my jars out of the cannner + am anxiously awaiting a little homemade strawberry jam on my toast!
here is my recipe for no pectin strawberry jam:
2 qts crushed strawberries
4 c sugar
4 T lemon juice
1 T butter {optional but prevents skim from forming}
sort and wash the strawberries; remove any stems and caps. crush the berries {i use my food processor}. add crushed strawberries to large pot. add sugar and stir well. boil rapidly, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 220° - 222° F. remove from heat + skim. fill and process jars for 5 minutes. the finished product will be slightly thinner than pectin added strawberry jam. makes about four, 8 oz jars.
note: my cost per jar was just $1.75 -comparably it is $5 + up at the grocery for all natural jam.